
from the Sea
Herbert Molloy mason Jr. wrote this 1972 book about the storm.
Galveston and the 1900 Storm: Catastrophe and Catalyst
This extensively illustrated history tells the full story of the 1900 Storm
and its long term effects. The authors draw on survivors' accounts to
vividly recreate the storm and its aftermath. They describe the work of
local relief agencies, aided by Clara Barton and the American Red Cross, and
show how their short-term efforts grew into lasting reforms.
in Nineteen Hundred
Edited by Clarence Ousley, this book describes Galveston before and after
the storm.
Great 1900 Storm
Written by Keitha Macdonald, this booklet contains stories handed down
for four generations.
The Great Galveston Disaster
By Paul Lester, this book was produced just after the storm and boasted
a "full and thrilling account of the most appalling calamity of modern
Isaac's Storm
A recently published non-fiction book by Erik Larson, this account focuses
on the life of the chief of the National Weather Service bureau in Galveston
during the storm.
A Light
S.M. Johnson wrote this account of the life of Mother Mary Joseph Dallmer,
an Ursuline Sister who is often called "the heroine of the 1900 Storm."
The 1900
Prepared by the Galveston County Historical Museum and Galveston Historical
Foundation, this booklet contains an overview of the storm, plus numerous
With Gladness
In this book on the history of the Congregation of the Sister of Charity
on the Incarnate Word, Sister Mary Loyola Hegarty, CCVI, describes the
affects of the storm at St. Mary's Infirmary and St. Mary's Orphanage,
where 90 children and 10 sisters died.
Floods and Sunshine
Isaac Monroe Cline, chief of the Galveston Weather Bureau in 1900, documents
his own experiences during the Great Storm.
Story of the 1900 Galveston Hurricane
Through a Night of Horrors: Voices from the 1900 Galveston Storm
Galveston's Rosenberg Library holds many accounts of the storm. Through letters, memoirs, and oral histories, survivors relate what they witnessed and experienced during the worst recorded natural disaster ever to befall the United States.
Weekend in September
John Edward Weems did extensive research when he wrote this 1957 account.